Thursday, 31 August 2017

Web Designing Training Sarita Vihar in Delhi-NCR, Best Web ...

         Web Designing training at Sarita Vihar in Delhi-NCR with placement and course fees at 

Web Design Course This course focus on the skills you need to command the art of creating professional websites quickly and easily. IT professionals or students who want to learn web design for a living should go for this course. The Web Specialist course, which includes the latest trends, technologies and software so that you can get started straightaway, will give you in-depth knowledge about how to design, develop & maintain websites and also about different aspects of web designing including typography on the web, color theory, layout and composition, imagery, etc. More Info - 9289714745.

Certificate In Tally ERP9 With GST (CT) Training - SCP INFOTECH INSTITUTE

Certificate In Tally ERP9 With GST (CT)

Certificate In Tally ERP9 With GST (CT) Tally ERP9 course will help you to upgrade from manual accounting to computerized accounting. This course is also useful for you if you are not from a commerce background. Tally ERP9 is a Complete Business Solution, encompassing basic Bookkeeping, Sales & Purchase, Receivables & Payables, Multi- location Stock Management, Multi Company and Multi Division accounts, comprehensive budgeting, cost / profit centre accounting, project accounting, time-related accounting, with flexible periods, and more.

Tally ERP9 with GST Concept of Financial Accounting, Tally ERP9, Account info, Inventory Info, Stock Items, Group, Category, Unit, Godown, laser Creation/ Alteration/ Deletion / Bill / Chillan, Accounting Voucher- Sale, Purchase, Receipt, Payment, Contra, Journal, Debit & Credit Note,Inventory voucher, Sale, Purchase Order, Vat, TDS, Service Tax, FBT, GST, Payroll, Company Data, Backup, Restore Printing reports, Outstanding reports, Import & Export Data to Excel, Project Works.
Call- 9289714745, 011-29949510.

Wednesday, 30 August 2017

Ledger Creation in Tally erp9- SCP INFOTECH INSTITUTE


Commission a/c                indirect expenses
Furniture a/c                     indirect expenses
Rent a/c                            indirect expenses
Salary a/c                         indirect expenses
Sundry debtors a/c           sundry debtors
Sundry creditors a/c         sundry creditor
Telephone a/c                   indirect expenses
Stock a/c                          current assets
Wages a/c                         direct a/c
Machinery a/c                   fixed a/c
Furniture a/c                     fixed assets
Capital a/c                        Capital a/c
PNB, SBI, ICICI, Bank a/c        Bank a/c
Cash a/c                           Cash in hand
Purchase a/c                     Purchase a/c
Interest Received a/c         Indirect Income
Telephone bill                  Indirect Exp
Bank charge                     Indirect Exp
Trading A/c                      Indirect exp

Repair &

Saturday, 26 August 2017

Sakshi is receiving certificate and Diploma DFA course.

Sarita Vihar Computer Training Center.
Name- Sakshi
Course-  Diploma in Financial Application course.
She is receiving  certificate and Diploma DFA course.
Address - 1010/121, Near E- pkt. Mkt., Sarita  Vihar
New Delhi.
Other branche:-  Harkesh nagar, Tilpat Faridabad, Ratiya marg , sangam Vihar. Jaitpur, badarpur border, jasola Vihar, okhla.
Mobile - 9289714745,


SCP Infotech institute (SCP), a Technical Computer Institute established in year 2006 is one of the fastest growing Computer Institute. Our Institute is Registered and Recognized by Govt. of N.C.T Delhi and has gained reorganization as a highly reputed training institute. SCP INFOTECH is committed to provide Quality Professionals Education at an affordable price. The institute is managed by professional having 15 years of I.T experience.


To be a Premier Educational Institute and to provide good Quality computer education at affordable price in the area of Accountancy, Graphic Designing, Animation & Multimedia & Web Designing, DTP,DCA,DFA,DCH, ADIT, & Software Engineering Diploma.


As the Information Technology domain spreads its complex identity, it is Necessary to have right theoretical and practical knowledge to technology. Our mission is to provide you education and training necessary to ensure that you achieve maximum value from us. Our institute is dedicated to delivering good quality, inexpensive education that will improve the quality of your skills at all levels. We believe in developing professionals who believe in themselves and are equipped with the latest state of the art in their respective fields, professionals who are confident and can compete in the challenging world.

Our Training

SCP INFOTECH INSTITUTE is trained and pass out 10,000 student in our center Sarita Vihar, Sangam Vihar New Delhi, and Tilpat Faridabd 
Our main focus technology base training like Projector, Tablate, Smart Classes...

Web Designing Course nearby Sarita Vihar, Delhi

Web Designing Course nearby Sarita Vihar, Delhi

Web Designing Course in Delhi | Web Designing Institute

Introduction: The Advance Diploma in Graphic Designing Course and Web Designing Course in Delhi is a highly focused and in-depth professional training qualification designed to prepare students for careers in various concentrations within the specialization of digital graphics, web designing, web animation, web hosting, domain name registration ...

Visit website-, 9289714745,01129949510.

SCP INFOTECH INSTITUTE Training Institute-Sarita Vihar - Home ...

SCP INFOTECH INSTITUTE Training Institute-Sarita Vihar - Home ... 

SCP Infotech Institute Training Institute- Sarita Vihar, New Delhi, India. 

Best Coaching Institutes in Sarita Vihar, Delhi | Reviews ...

Find Best Coaching Institutes in Sarita Vihar, Delhi- Contact numbers, addresses, reviews, courses, fees, facilities, batches, results & brochures

DCA Course, Training, Institute in Sarita Vihar Delhi, India

Sit hub is experienced DCA Course in Sarita Vihar Course in ... is one of the institute in offering a diploma in computer applications course is one of the best .

DCA ( Diploma In Computer Application)

Course Contents:- 
Module - I
Computer Fundamentals, Typing
MS-Word, MS-Excel, MS-Powerpoint, MS-Access
Advance MS-Excel, Hlookup, Vlookup, Index, Match function
Working with Function, Data Validation, Working with Templete
Sorting and Filtering Data, Working with Reports
More Functions (Date and time functions, Text functions, Database functions)
Mis Report, Assignment & project works.

Searching & Downloading
E-Mial, Attaching, Facebook
Google+, Search Rail-Ticket
Send Mobile sms.
Module -II
Tally ERP9

Concept of financial Accounting,
Tally ERP9, Accounting Info, Inventory Info, laser Creation/ Altration/ Deletion / Bill / Challan / Voucher, Accounting Voucher / Inventry Voucher
Tally with Inventory, VAT, TDS, Service Tax, FBT, Payroll
Assignment & Project Works.
Module - III
Web page Design HTML, Java Script,
GUI programming, Visual Basic, C++ , RDBMS
Assignment & Project Works.

Duration - 12 Months

Eligibility 12th Pass

For course duration and fees please contact us: 9289714745, 011-29949510


Sarita Vihar, New Delhi-110076.

Web Design Course This course focus on the skills you need to command the art of creating professional websites quickly and easily. IT professionals or students who want to learn web design for a living should go for this course. The Web Specialist course, which includes the latest trends, technologies and software so that you can get started straightaway, will give you in-depth knowledge about how to design, develop & maintain websites and also about different aspects of web designing including typography on the web, color theory, layout and composition, imagery, etc. More Info

Thursday, 24 August 2017

Computer Hardware Courses Courses in sarita vihar, Delhi-NCR ...

Wednesday, 23 August 2017

Declaration of variables in C++ Language

Declaration of variables


   This int keyword is used to declare integers, whole numbers either positive or negative. Most of the compilers treat this with a size of 2 bytes. i.e.,integer of 16 bits length. The following statement shows how the variables of int type are declared. 
     int var1;
     int var11 = 10; //Initialization for c++ tutorial


   This long keyword is used for declaring longer numbers. i.e, numbers of length 32 bits.


   This keyword float is used to declare floating point decimal numbers. A sample declaration would be, 
         float var2; //Sample declaration for float

int a;
float mynumber;
These are two valid declarations of variables. The first one declares a variable of type int with the identifier a. The second one declares a variable of type float with the identifier mynumber. Once declared, the variables a and mynumber can be used within the rest of their scope in the program.
If you are going to declare more than one variable of the same type, you can declare all of them in a single statement by separating their identifiers with commas. For example:
int a, b, c;
This declares three variables (a, b and c), all of them of type int, and has exactly the same meaning as:
int a;
int b;
int c;
The integer data types char, short, long and int can be either signed or unsigned depending on the range of numbers needed to be represented. For Example-

unsigned short int NumberOfSisters;
signed int MyAccountBalance;

short Year;
short int Year;

unsigned NextYear;
unsigned int NextYear;

// operating with variables
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main ()
  // declaring variables:
  int a, b;
  int result;
  // process:
  a = 5;
  b = 2;
  a = a + 1;
  result = a - b;
  // print out the result:
  cout << result;
  // terminate the program:
  return 0;

char data types:


   This keyword is used to declare characters. The size of each character is 8 bits. i.e., 1 byte. The characters that can be used with this data type are ASCII characters.


   This is not a basic data type with C++. Instead array of the char data type should be used for a string variable. 
     char strvar1[200];
     char strvar2[]="string can also be initialized like this for the C++ Tutorial"; 

Variables Data Types in C++ language

Variables. Data Types.

The whole process that you have just done with your mental memory is a simile of what a computer can do with two variables. The same process can be expressed in C++ with the following instruction set:
a = 3;
b = 5;
a = a + 1;
result = a - b;


A valid identifier is a sequence of one or more letters, digits or underscore characters (_). Neither spaces nor punctuation marks or symbols can be part of an identifier. Only letters, digits and single underscore characters are valid. In addition, variable identifiers always have 

to begin with a letter. They can also begin with an underline character (_ ), but in some cases these may be reserved for compiler specific keywords or external identifiers.

The standard reserved keywords are:

asm, auto, bool, break, case, catch, char, class, const, const_cast, continue, default, delete, do, double, dynamic_cast, else, enum, explicit, export, extern, false, float, for, friend, goto, if, inline, int, long, mutable, namespace, new, operator, private, protected, public, register, reinterpret_cast, return, short, signed, sizeof, static, static_cast, struct, switch, template, this, throw, true, try, typedef, typeid, typename, union, unsigned, using, virtual, void, volatile, wchar_t, while 

Fundamental data types

When programming, we store the variables in our computer's memory, but the computer has to know what kind of data we want to store in them, since it is not going to occupy the same amount of memory to store a simple number than to store a single letter or a large number, and they are not going to be interpreted the same way.
The memory in our computers is organized in bytes. A byte is the minimum amount of memory that we can manage in C++.

Character or small integer.
signed: -128 to 127
unsigned: 0 to 255
short int (short)
Short Integer.
signed: -32768 to 32767
unsigned: 0 to 65535
signed: -2147483648 to 2147483647
unsigned: 0 to 4294967295
long int (long)
Long integer.
signed: -2147483648 to 2147483647
unsigned: 0 to 4294967295
Boolean value. It can take one of two values: true or false.
true or false
Floating point number.
+/- 3.4e +/- 38 (~7 digits)
Double precision floating point number.
+/- 1.7e +/- 308 (~15 digits)
long double
Long double precision floating point number.
+/- 1.7e +/- 308 (~15 digits)
Wide character.
2 or 4 bytes
1 wide character

Comments in C++ Programming

Comments In C++ Programming Language

Simple steps:- 
Comments are parts of the source code disregarded by the compiler.
C++ supports two ways to insert comments:
// Single Line comment
/* block comment */ 
The first of them, known as line comment, discards everything from where the pair of slash signs (//) is found up to the end of that same line. The second one, known as block comment, discards everything between the /* characters and the first appearance of the */ characters, with the possibility of including more than one line.
We are going to add comments to our second program:


/* my second program in C++
   with more comments */
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main ()
  cout << "Hello SCP Infotech! ";     // prints Hello World!
  cout << "I'm a C++ program"; // prints I'm a C++ program
  return 0;
Hello SCP Infotech! I'm a C++ program

Basic C++ Programming Concepts

Basic C++ Programming

// my second program in C++
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main ()
  cout << "Hello World!  SCP INFOTECH";
  cout << "I'm a ";
  return 0;
Hello World! I'm a SCP INFOTECH

C++ Programming Language


The C+ programming language was developed at AT&T Bell Laboratories in the early 1979s by Bjarne Stroustrup. C++ is high level Language.


Structure of a program

Probably the best way to start learning a programming language is by writing a program. Therefore, here is our first program:

// my first program in C++
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main ()
  cout << "Hello SCP Infotch Institute!";
  return 0;
Hello SCP Infotch Institute!

// my first program in C++
This is a comment line. All lines beginning with two slash signs (//) are considered comments and do not have any effect on the behavior of the program.
#include <iostream>
Lines beginning with a hash sign (#) are directives for the preprocessor.
int main ()
This line corresponds to the beginning of the definition of the main function.
return 0;

The return statement causes the main function to finish.
More details- visit 

Tuesday, 22 August 2017

Tally ERP9 with GST Training Centers in Badarpur, Sarita Vihar, Fa ridabad ...

Tally ERP9 with GST  Training Centers in Badarpur, Sarita Vihar, Fa

ridabad ...

Basic Computer Training Centers in Badarpur, Sarita Vihar,  Faridabad. Get institute phone numbers, addresses, all course details and fees info.

Basic Computer Training Centers in Badarpur, Sarita Vihar, Faridabad ...

Basic Computer Training Centers in Badarpur, Sarita Vihar, Faridabad ...

Basic Computer Training Centers in Badarpur, Sarita Vihar,  Faridabad. Get institute phone numbers, addresses, all course details and fees info.

Tabrez received certificate and diploma courses.

Sarita Vihar Computer Training Center.
Details of student
Name - Tabrez
Course-  Diploma in Financial Application course.
He  received certificate and Diploma DFA course.
Address - 1010/121, Near E- pkt. Mkt., Sarita  Vihar
New Delhi.
Other branche:-  Harkesh nagar, Tilpat Faridabad, Ratiya marg , sangam Vihar. Jaitpur, badarpur border, jasola Vihar, okhla.
Mobile - 9289714745,

Monday, 21 August 2017

If you want to learn typing or want to increase your typing speed, then ...


Sarita vihar, new delhi.

Saraswati Pooja

A grand celebration of Saraswati Puja Maa Saraswati Aradhna! ... Hosted by अध्ययन SCP Infotech Institute. InterestedGoing ... Computer Training School. अध्ययन ...
More Details-

Saraswati Puja

A grand celebration of Saraswati Puja Maa Saraswati Aradhna! ... Hosted by अध्ययन SCP Infotech Institute. InterestedGoing ... Computer Training School. अध्ययन ...

Mrs. Dhamini and Godu are good dancing in Sarita Vihar New Delhi.